Only ever lubricate safe locks with a specific lock oil.


Insurance Cash Ratings

Based on the type and quality of the product, theft resistant safes will have a suitable Insurance or Cash Rating which normally translates - the higher the Cash Rating, the better the Burglary Protection.
Generally items that do not have a Cash Rating are for Low Protection requirements. Items that have Cash Ratings of between £1,000 and £6,000 are for Medium Protection requirements and items with Cash ratings from £6,000 to £150,000 are for High Protection.
Please note that as a general rule if a safe has an Insurance Cash Rating, the Valuable Rating will be Ten (10) times as much. So for example if your safes Cash Rating is £6,000 your insurance Company will provide insurance cover for you against loss of Cash up to £6,000 and Valuables up to the value of £60,000 for all items locked in the safe.
Cash Valuables  
£1,000 £10,000  
£6,000 £60,000  
£100,000 £1,000,000  
When calculating a Cash Rating most Insurers assume that the Safe is located in an uninhabited, unguarded and unprotected place within a residential area.
PLEASE NOTE: Different insurers use varying criteria to determine cover as simple things like Location, and Security Measures undertaken can be a dependent factor. Always check with your Insurance Company as to their exact requirements.
Phoenix Burton De Raat