Audit trails and IP locks can help control losses through internal theft as you can see who's code or key unlocked the safe and at what time.


Why Us

Ruffles are proud to inform you of our award winning Specialist Security Safes website, has changed the way people buy secure storage equipment, and made Ruffles the one of the Largest Suppliers of security equipment in the UK.
With a flying start since the launch, Ruffles have taken hundreds of thousands of orders worth over £20,000,000.
So why then, with so many other Internet dealers selling safes, has this particular site proved to be so successful?
Michael Knight, Managing Director of Don Ruffles says:
‘Having spent over 35 years supplying Security equipment in the UK as the former Managing Director & Vice President of Pan European Sales of Martin Yale (Schleicher - intimus) I have seen some significant changes in the buying patterns of both Individuals and Corporate Account Customers… The one thing that remains constant though is the need to offer real In-depth Product KnowledgeUnbiased Independent Choice, and then End User Prices offering added value
PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE - no other Specialist Security Supplier has our hands-on practical experience in supplying both International resellers, and corporate end-users alike. Previous customers include all National UK & European office supplies wholesalers, contract stationers and the global mail order distributors, as well as end users including most local and central Government Departments, major financial institutions and the majority of the Top 1000 Companies in the UK.
We now specialise in offering both online and telephone help and guidance by fully trained experts, plus detailed information on theft including ID theft, corporate fraud, and industrial espionage. All of our machines are categorised by individual Manufacturer, Product Group, Price, Cash Ratings, Lock Options, Euro Grades, Volumes and also we also offer a Terminology Guide offering advice on every aspect of how to purchase the perfect safe.
INDEPENDENT CHOICE - as not one manufacturer produces machines covering the whole market requirements, we offer products from all major Safes distributors, with annual sales in excess of £20,000,000 per annum.
END USER PRICING - with such a large purchasing spend, in many cases we are able to sell products cheaper than our competitors can buy at.

Why Us

  • Experienced Senior Advisors – totalling over 50 years’ experience in selling Safes
  • Exclusive Products – launched online at
  • Logistical Backing - from Don Ruffles Limited - with 30 years trading history
  • Unbeatable Pricing – Discounts up to 80% of Recommended Retail Prices
  • Advice on - Choosing the correct Safe – Locking Options – Why Store – When to Store
  • Information on – Cash, Data, Possession Protection + Home, Business and Corporate Theft
  • Special Offers - Exclusive Manufacturers offers – Cash Backs
  • Machine Comparisons – By Manufacturer – By Product Group – By Price
  • Safes Tips – That change every time you visit the site
  • Payment Protection – Thawte 128 bit encryption
  • Independent Advice – Unbiased help and guidance by not being tied to one Supplier
  • Practical Help – Telephone advice from experienced Manufacturer trained advisors
  • Currency Converter – See what you’ll pay in £ Pounds - $ Dollars - € Euros
  • Terminology Guide - Cuts through ‘Safes Speak’ by explaining in everyday language
  • Common Questions – Answered with practical guidance

Before you purchase over the internet check out your Supplier

With internet trading the online face that you see may not always be a true picture of the Company or Individual that you are dealing with. It is now very easy to set up a website one day and be trading from a laptop in your bedroom the next. As a customer you may have no idea of the substance, security or longevity of the Company that you are dealing with. A legitimate Multinational Company or an individual who will take your money and run - possibly with your credit card information to use again at a later date!!
We here at Don Ruffles are neither - we are small enough to have very low overheads, but large enough to have a proper Company structure that you can rely on to be here long term to answer any questions or queries throughout the life of the products that we supply to you.
So that you are completely at ease in dealing with our Company and to show that we have nothing to hide, we enclose the following Company information which is readily available to be checked at any time:
Trading Company:Don Ruffles Limited
Registered Company Number:03571196
Trading Address:26 West Street, Reigate, Surrey RH2 9BX
Holding Company:The OPS Group (non-trading)
Managing Director:Michael Knight
Operations Director:Jeremy Mills
Company History:Established over 30 years
Financial Stability:A1 Credit Rating
Net Worth 2017/18:+£500,000.00
Orders processed per annum:+25,000
Practical Shredder Experience:+50 years - total for 4 Senior Staff
Current Shredder Contracts:Several Top 1000 Companies, Central Government Departments, Police Forces + Local Government
Back Office Administration:Dedicated Server, EDI, Prima, ACT
Service Support:Warranty period - Manufacturers + Nationwide Service Company
Preferred Supplier Status: Phoenix, Chubbsafes, Churchill, Burton,
Online Security:QuoVadis latest Extended Validation SSL Encryption
Telephone Number:01293 775248
Fax Number:0845 5555 008
Phoenix Burton De Raat