Remember that a cash rating is what an underwriter will typically insure the contents of your safe for and usually starts at £1000.
Underfloor Deposit Safes
Here is a selection of Underfloor Deposit Safes to choose from. Underfloor deposit safes are designed to be encased in concrete and then built into the floor and keeps the safe hidden from view. A deposit facility allows you to deposit items into the safe (usually via a tube or a chute) without having to open the main door. All Underfloor Deposit Safes come with free ground floor or kerbside delivery to the GB mainland (check each model individually for details) and are available in a range of sizes.
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Free GB Mainland Delivery
£241 + vat
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Free GB Mainland Delivery
£307 + vat
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Free GB Mainland Delivery
£410 + vat
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Free GB Mainland Delivery
£510 + vat